At our place, children, teenagers, and adults can learn to see the value of biodiversity and how everyone can take responsibility for preserving it for the future.
We work for a lifelong commitment to animals and nature, and we aim to inspire children and adults to take care of the planet we live on and preserve biodiversity. Education is conducted through curriculum-based educational programs, as well as through information signs, talks, and guided tours in the zoo. Talks are led by animal keepers who provide information about the natural behavior of our animals, their situation in nature, and the threat to biodiversity.
We offer education for schools and the general public with a focus on biodiversity, sustainable development, conservation of endangered species, and the role of zoos in this work. We target a broad audience where the general public, primary and secondary schools, universities, and individual researchers are important components.
Education programs
The formal education program is mainly aimed at groups from preschool age to university students, for whom there are various bookable educational programs. These educational programs are curriculum-based and address topics such as ethology, biodiversity, and sustainability. The educational programs are always carried out with respect for both animals and humans and are based on scientifically grounded knowledge. The programs should offer everyone, especially children and young people with special needs, the opportunity to experience nature and wildlife.
University level education
Bachelor's and master's degree theses are carried out at Lycksele Zoo in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
Education at high school level
We collaborate with several agricultural high schools in the country, where we receive students from the animal care program for workplace learning (APL). We also offer theoretical and practical education that relates to the central content of courses within the agricultural program. Teaching in subjects such as ethology, zoo animals, feeding of exotic animals, and environmental enrichment is also offered to other high schools outside of the agricultural program.
Education for primary school
Formell utbildning erbjuds via läroplansanpassade utbildningsprogram knutna till skolväsendet med fokus på biologisk mångfald och bevarande av hotade arter uppdelat på följande åldersgrupper:
Grade F-3
Grade 4-6
Grade 7-9

Our mission
More and more animal species in the world are threatened with extinction today, and the list of species at risk of dying out is only getting longer and longer. We can do a lot to help and ensure their survival.

The increased threat to both animals and their natural habitats makes the work of zoos more important than ever.
You help us with our mission.
Every time you visit us, buy something in the park, or sponsor us, you help us with our mission. Together, we can make a big difference!