
European bison

European bison

(Bison bonasus) The European Bison, also known as the Wisent, is a true herd animal. They often move calmly and slowly when searching for food. The herd usually contains 10-30 animals and is led by an older cow with a calf. The European Bison no longer lives in the wild in Sweden. It disappeared from southern Sweden almost 1,000 years ago. The European Bison was exterminated in the wild around the time of World War I, but was saved by the 50 or so animals that were in 8 zoos, one of which was in Sweden. Characteristics of bulls include dark brown fur, a powerful shoulder area, hump, shaggy mane, short broad head with short horns, forelock, and chin beard.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Hollow-horned animals (Bovidae)
Weight: Males (bulls): Between 800 - 900 kg
Females (cows): Between 500 - 600 kg
Lifespan: More than 30 years
Mating season: Occurs in August - September
Gestation period: 9 - 10 months
Calves: Born in May-July



(Canis lupus) The wolf was one of the first animals to migrate into Sweden after the Ice Age. 150 years ago, it was widespread throughout the country. Through intensive hunting, the wolf was close to extinction during the 1970s and 80s. In 1966, the wolf was protected in Sweden. Since the mid-1980s, the number of wolves has slowly increased, and in the early 2000s, there were about 100 individuals.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Canidae (dogs)
Weight: Males around 45 kg (in Sweden), females around 40 kg (in Sweden)
Lifespan: Up to 16 years, but they usually do not live longer than 10-12 years
Mating season: Occurs during December-April.
Gestation period: About 63 days
Offspring: Normally between 2-8 pups

Gray Seal

Gray Seal

(Halichoerus grypus) The grey seals in the Baltic Sea differ from those in the Atlantic Ocean. Grey seals in the Baltic Sea give birth to their young on the ice during the winter, while Atlantic seals give birth to their young on sandy beaches in the autumn. An adult grey seal can dive down to 100 meters deep to catch fish.

Belongs to: Ordningen Säldjur (Pinnipedia)
Family: Earless seals (Phocidae)
Weight: Between 200-315 kg (the male is larger).
Lifespan: Up to 46 years.
Mating season: Occurs in April-May.
Gestation period: ca 350 days
Offspring: Born on the ice in February-March the following year. The female gives birth to one calf which she nurses for 3-4 weeks, during which it gains 2 kg per day.

Wild Boar

Wild Boar

(Sus scrofa) The wild boar is now a quite common animal in southern and central Sweden. It primarily eats plant parts such as roots and tubers, but also includes small rodents, insects, worms, and carrion in its diet. It has a robust build with a large head and short legs. Its fur is dark gray-brown and shaggy. The winter coat is thick and long-haired, while the summer coat resembles "a week-old beard." The boar's tusks continue to grow throughout its life and form dangerous upward-pointing fangs. It can run up to 50 km/h.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Pigs (Suidae)
Weight: Suggor upptill 150 kg galt något tyngre upp till 175 kg
Lifespan: Usually lives up to 8 years (up to 20 years).
Mating season: September - November
Gestation period: 4 months (115 days)
Offspring: Sows give birth to 3-8 piglets that are lighter brown with longitudinal dark stripes. They follow the sow until she gives birth again.

Brown Bear

Brown Bear

(Ursus arctos) The brown bear is a forest-dwelling animal, living in the boreal forest areas of northern Europe, Asia, and North America, where it is called the grizzly bear in some areas. The Swedish bear population of a few thousand animals is slowly increasing despite a general hunting of the species. The bear is a plantigrade, meaning that it walks on the whole sole of the foot, just like humans do.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Bears (Ursidae).
Weight: Up to 350 kg (males in Sweden), up to 160 kg (females in Sweden).
Lifespan: 20 - 30 years
Mating season: Mating season typically occurs in May-June.
Gestation period: The gestation period for bears is around 7-8 months, but the actual fetal development is only 2-3 months, due to a phenomenon called delayed implantation.
Cubs: 1-3 cubs (sometimes 4 or 5) are usually born in January during the winter hibernation.