Gray Seal

Gray Seal

(Halichoerus grypus) The grey seals in the Baltic Sea differ from those in the Atlantic Ocean. Grey seals in the Baltic Sea give birth to their young on the ice during the winter, while Atlantic seals give birth to their young on sandy beaches in the autumn. An adult grey seal can dive down to 100 meters deep to catch fish.

Belongs to: Ordningen Säldjur (Pinnipedia)
Family: Earless seals (Phocidae)
Weight: Between 200-315 kg (the male is larger).
Lifespan: Up to 46 years.
Mating season: Occurs in April-May.
Gestation period: ca 350 days
Offspring: Born on the ice in February-March the following year. The female gives birth to one calf which she nurses for 3-4 weeks, during which it gains 2 kg per day.
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