

(Canis lupus) The wolf was one of the first animals to migrate into Sweden after the Ice Age. 150 years ago, it was widespread throughout the country. Through intensive hunting, the wolf was close to extinction during the 1970s and 80s. In 1966, the wolf was protected in Sweden. Since the mid-1980s, the number of wolves has slowly increased, and in the early 2000s, there were about 100 individuals.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Canidae (dogs)
Weight: Males around 45 kg (in Sweden), females around 40 kg (in Sweden)
Lifespan: Up to 16 years, but they usually do not live longer than 10-12 years
Mating season: Occurs during December-April.
Gestation period: About 63 days
Offspring: Normally between 2-8 pups
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