
Moose / Elk

Moose / Elk

(europeisk älg; Alces alces) The moose is the largest land mammal in our country. It is found throughout the country except on the island of Gotland. In the past 20-30 years, the moose population has increased significantly, and today we have a population of about 300,000 animals. The reasons for the increase are several, but regulation of hunting and more abundant food due to new forestry methods (clear-cutting) are the main ones. The male moose has the largest antlers at the age of 7-10 years and is then called a "kapital". Then the antlers decrease in size and are called "retur". There are two types of antlers: palmate antlers and cervine antlers.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Deer family (Cervidae)
Weight: Between 320-450 kg (bulls), in extreme cases up to 800 kg. Between 275-375 kg (cows).
Lifespan: Up to 25 years
Mating season: 1 September-October
Gestation period: ca 8 months
Calves: Born in May-June and weighs 8-15 kg at birth: usually 1 or 2 calves, which nurse for 7-8 months.



(Canis lupus) The wolf was one of the first animals to migrate into Sweden after the Ice Age. 150 years ago, it was widespread throughout the country. Through intensive hunting, the wolf was close to extinction during the 1970s and 80s. In 1966, the wolf was protected in Sweden. Since the mid-1980s, the number of wolves has slowly increased, and in the early 2000s, there were about 100 individuals.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Canidae (dogs)
Weight: Males around 45 kg (in Sweden), females around 40 kg (in Sweden)
Lifespan: Up to 16 years, but they usually do not live longer than 10-12 years
Mating season: Occurs during December-April.
Gestation period: About 63 days
Offspring: Normally between 2-8 pups



(Capra Hircus) Jämtget - The Jämtget belongs to our Swedish native goats. It can vary in color. Goats can be kept for their milk, and a good Jämtget can produce 300 - 400 kg of milk per season.

African Pygmy Goat - Originating from Africa, this breed has long been a popular species in zoos due to its size and friendly temperament. It has short legs, a compact body, and a small head. Shoulder height is about 40 cm.

Lappget - The Lappget is our northernmost breed of native goats. It originates from and is adapted to reindeer grazing land.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Bovid family: (Bovidae). Subfamily: (Caprinae).
Weight: Jämtget around 40 kg, African Pygmy Goat 20-30 kg, Lappget around 30-80 kg
Lappget ca 30-80 kg
Lifespan: Up to 25 years
Gestation period: Around 5 months
Offspring: 1-2 kids (most commonly two)

European bison

European bison

(Bison bonasus) The European Bison, also known as the Wisent, is a true herd animal. They often move calmly and slowly when searching for food. The herd usually contains 10-30 animals and is led by an older cow with a calf. The European Bison no longer lives in the wild in Sweden. It disappeared from southern Sweden almost 1,000 years ago. The European Bison was exterminated in the wild around the time of World War I, but was saved by the 50 or so animals that were in 8 zoos, one of which was in Sweden. Characteristics of bulls include dark brown fur, a powerful shoulder area, hump, shaggy mane, short broad head with short horns, forelock, and chin beard.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Hollow-horned animals (Bovidae)
Weight: Males (bulls): Between 800 - 900 kg
Females (cows): Between 500 - 600 kg
Lifespan: More than 30 years
Mating season: Occurs in August - September
Gestation period: 9 - 10 months
Calves: Born in May-July

Fallow Deer

Fallow Deer

(Dama dama) The Fallow deer originally comes from the Mediterranean area and was brought to Sweden during the 16th century as a captive animal. From the mid-1800s, it has been wild (planted from captivity) in southern Sweden.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Deer family (Cervidae)
Weight: About 100-120 kg (males), about 60-80 kg (females).
Lifespan: Approximately 16 years
Mating season: oktober - november
Gestation period: Approximately 230 days
Calves: Born in June, usually 1 calf is born sometimes 2, which nurses for 8 months.



(Castor fiber) The beaver is known as "nature's engineers" and "master builders of the animal kingdom". It is the largest rodent in the northern hemisphere. After being threatened with extinction in several countries, the beaver has made a rapid comeback due to extensive protection measures and reintroduction to its original habitats. Beavers are twilight and nocturnal animals, and they live in lifelong pairs. They are excellent swimmers, capable of diving and staying underwater for up to 15 minutes. Beavers dig holes in the banks of rivers and build lodges made of branches and mud with an entrance that is always underwater. They fell trees up to 50 cm in diameter. Beavers eat exclusively vegetarian food, such as shoreline vegetation, leaves, and the soft parts of tree bark.

The beaver's fur is brown and very dense. The fur protects the animal from hypothermia. Beavers continually clean their fur and coat it with a greasy substance called castoreum. Their tail is flat, scaly, and paddle-shaped. Their hind feet have webbing between the toes for swimming.

Belongs to: Order Rodentia (rodents)
Family: Beavers (Castoridae)
Weight: 12 - 30 kg
Lifespan: 15 – 20 years
Mating season: Occurs during the period of February to March
Gestation period: ca 15 weeks
Offspring: 1-4 fully furred young with open eyes that can swim and dive just after a few days. They nurse for 2 months and stay with the family for 2-3 years.

Roe Deer

Roe Deer

(Capreolus capreolus) The roe deer is our smallest deer. In the 18th century, the roe deer was on the verge of extinction in Sweden. It was saved in Skåne and since the 1850s, the population has steadily increased.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Deer family (Cervidae)
Weight: 23-28 kg (bucks), 20-26 kg (does)
Lifespan: ca 15 years
Mating season: July - August
Gestation period: 9-10 months, but with a delayed fetal development - the fetus begins to develop about 5 months before birth.
Calves: They are called "kids". The female usually gives birth to 2 kids, which weigh 1.5-2.5 kg at birth.



(Sus scrofa dom) All domestic pigs originate from the Eurasian wild boar. Humans have bred different breeds.

Minigris är ett samlingsnamn för mindre grisraser, generellt väger de under 80 kg som vuxna och kan hållas som sällskapsdjur.

Linderödssvinet är Sveriges enda oförädlade lantras av tamsvin.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Svin (suidae)
Weight: Linderödssvin 150-250 kg, Minigris/hängbuksvin upp till 80 kg.
Lifespan: Typically 8 years (up to 20 years)
Gestation period: 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days
Piglets: 4-12 piglets

Bjurholm chickens

Bjurholm chickens

(Gallus gallus) Bjurholm chicken is Sweden's northernmost heritage breed. The breed was officially recognized in 2013.

A small remnant of the previously common small landrace chickens in Västerbotten was found by chance in the village of Bjurholm in 2011. There, the chickens had been kept on the same farm for 120 years without any other chickens being introduced into the flock. The breed was officially recognized in 2013 and is now known as Bjurholm chicken.

The down feathers of their body are relatively large, and the underdown is well developed, indicating a long adaptation to cold climates.

Belongs to: Order Galliformes (gamebirds)
Family: Pheasant birds (Phasianidae)
Weight: Rooster 2 kg, Hen 1.5 kg.
Lifespan: Normally up to 16 years, although older age records have been noted.
Incubation period: around 21 days.
Eggs: The Bjurholm hen's eggs weigh about 45-50 grams.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs

Cavia porcellus (tama) Today, it is one of our most common companion animal species. The domestic form is a domesticated variant of hybrids after three wild guinea pig species, including Cavia aperea. Guinea pig breeds are distinguished by different fur types, including smooth-haired, Abyssinian, teddy, and sheltie. A guinea pig is sexually mature at 4-5 weeks of age.

Belongs to: Order Rodentia (rodents)
Suborder: Hystricomorpha (porcupine-like rodents)
Family: Guinea pigs (Caviidae)
Weight: Adult animal 900 grams - 1 kg
Lifespan: Usually 5-7 years
Gestation period: about 70 days
Offspring: 2-4 offspring, born well-developed with fur and open eyes. The young ones nurse for about 3 weeks.