Forest Reindeer

Forest Reindeer

(Rangifer tarandus fennicus) Translation: The reindeer is the only deer species where both the female and male have antlers. The forest reindeer is a subspecies of the tundra reindeer and is adapted to living in the large forests. It has considerably longer legs, broader hooves and a narrower antler crown compared to the tundra reindeer. The wild reindeer became extinct in Sweden in the 1860s, and it was protected 50 years later in 1915. They live in small herds. Nowadays, the "Swedish reindeer" are domesticated reindeer, which are kept by the Sami people.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Deer family (Cervidae)
Weight: 180-200 kg (males), 120-140 kg (females).
Lifespan: ca 15 years
Mating season: July - August
Gestation period: 9-10 months, but with a delayed fetal development - the fetus begins to develop about 5 months before birth.
Calves: They are born in May-June.
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