Roe Deer

Roe Deer

(Capreolus capreolus) The roe deer is our smallest deer. In the 18th century, the roe deer was on the verge of extinction in Sweden. It was saved in Skåne and since the 1850s, the population has steadily increased.

Belongs to: Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
Family: Deer family (Cervidae)
Weight: 23-28 kg (bucks), 20-26 kg (does)
Lifespan: ca 15 years
Mating season: July - August
Gestation period: 9-10 months, but with a delayed fetal development - the fetus begins to develop about 5 months before birth.
Calves: They are called "kids". The female usually gives birth to 2 kids, which weigh 1.5-2.5 kg at birth.
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