Arctic Fox

Arctic Fox

(Alopex lagopus) In our country, the Arctic fox is limited to the high mountain tundra. It has been protected in Sweden since 1928, but the population is still only around 100 individuals. The Arctic fox has a wide distribution across the Arctic region and can be found on tundra, sea ice, and high mountain plateaus. In a single litter, there may be foxes with both white and dark ("blue") winter fur if the parents carry the genes for both color variations. In our country, approximately 1 in 10 Arctic foxes are blue.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Canidae (dogs)
Weight: Between 1.5-4 kg on average.
Lifespan: Up to 14 years
Mating season: In March-June.
Gestation period: About 52 days.
The puppies: are born during May - mid-July and there can be between 1-13 in the same litter.
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