Brown Bear

Brown Bear

(Ursus arctos) The brown bear is a forest-dwelling animal, living in the boreal forest areas of northern Europe, Asia, and North America, where it is called the grizzly bear in some areas. The Swedish bear population of a few thousand animals is slowly increasing despite a general hunting of the species. The bear is a plantigrade, meaning that it walks on the whole sole of the foot, just like humans do.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Bears (Ursidae).
Weight: Up to 350 kg (males in Sweden), up to 160 kg (females in Sweden).
Lifespan: 20 - 30 years
Mating season: Mating season typically occurs in May-June.
Gestation period: The gestation period for bears is around 7-8 months, but the actual fetal development is only 2-3 months, due to a phenomenon called delayed implantation.
Cubs: 1-3 cubs (sometimes 4 or 5) are usually born in January during the winter hibernation.
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