Red Fox

Red Fox

(Vulpes vulpes) The red fox is common throughout the country. The population decreased significantly during the 1980s due to sarcoptic mange, but is now increasing again. Otherwise, the red fox has a very extensive distribution throughout the Northern Hemisphere and lives in a variety of habitats. The fox is a predator, but at the same time our country's most versatile "jack-of-all-trades" when it comes to food. A fox eats everything from blueberries and grains, to worms and beetles, to hares, voles, birds and even roe deer. Small rodents are a favorite food. Red foxes can live alone, in pairs or in small groups.

Belongs to: Order Carnivora (carnivores/predators)
Family: Canidae (dogs)
Weight: 6-10 kg (males) and 5-7 kg (females)
Lifespan: Up to 20 years.
Mating season: Occurs during January-March.
Gestation period: Approximately 52-53 days.
Offspring: Born in April-May: usually 3-6 pups, who are born blind.
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